FIRST STEPSeek medical attention.
SECOND STEPCall the police and animal control. The officers will 1) determine if the dog had a rabies vaccination, and 2) the name of the dog's legal owner.
THIRD STEPCall Attorney Nye for a free consultation. (989) 281-1437
Under Michigan Law, the owner, possessor, or keeper of a dog is strictly liable for any injuries that you suffer as a result of a dog attack. Many dog bites cause permanent physical or psychological scarring. It is important that your attorney quickly and efficiently determine if there is a party who has insurance or otherwise ability to pay the sometimes very serious claims arising from a dog attack.
We aggressively pursue your rights to obtain recovery for your injury-related claim. Below are some of the methods and approaches used to help get you the settlement or jury verdict you deserve.
FACTUAL AND LEGAL RESEARCHToday, much of the law is designed to prevent injured people from rightfully recovering for their injuries and holding negligent persons responsible for their bad acts. Prior to filing a case, we do the legal research necessary to insure that your case is in the best legal posture upon filing.
TRIAL EXHIBITSBoth before the trial, during the settlement phrase of a case, and at trial itself, proper exhibits to illustrate in simple terms the sometimes complex theories as to how an injury occurred are important to have success. At The Nye Law Office we have had success in various types of cases in helping a jury understand how our clients were injured because of the negligent acts of others. Use of audio, video, pictures, blown up exhibits, models, charts, and other helpful exhibits, can make the difference in your having a good outcome at mediation, settlement, or trial.
TRIALIf your case is not settled, then Attorney Nye will be prepared and eager to try your case. Attorney Nye devotes the time and energy to effectively present your case to jury. Many hours over weeks and months are devoted to trial preparation, witness preparation, and exhibit preparation. Attorney Nye takes pride in putting on a compelling and effective case for each and every client.
DISCOVERY AND MOTION PRACTICEIn civil ligation, much of the work is done before any trial. Many times, defendants do not want to produce the records and documents necessary for you to prove your case. We have a reputation for aggressive motion practice and use of the subpoena to obtain the documents we believe are necessary to prosecute your injury case.
MEDIATION AND SETTLEMENTUnder Michigan Court Rules, all injury cases at some point are referred to some type of mediation process. Many times because of how the rules are structured, the mediation process forces the parties to look hard at the case and creates a value for the case for settlement purposes before trial. At The Nye Law Office we believe it is critical to fully develop the case for a proper presentation in the mediation process, to insure that you get the highest possible recommendations for your damages to give us the strongest position in any final pre-trial settlement discussions.
Many injury cases require one if not several various types of experts. For example, the following experts may be used in your injury case.
- Your primary care medical doctor.
- Specialist medical doctor for your particular injury, to include neurologists, pediatric neurologists, internists, cardiac surgeon, endocrinologist, lung specialist, orthopedic surgeon, neurosurgeon, and many other sub-specialties.
- Economists to help determine the value of your damages both presently and into the future so that the jury understands how much your injury is going to cost you economically,
- Engineers and forensic scientists,who can provide expert testimony about the physics and mechanics of the mechanisms of an injury, along with forensic examination of any evidence in the case,
- Accident re constructionists or bio-mechanical specialists who can reconstruct an injury or an accident of virtually any type. A bio-mechanical specialist can explain to a jury how the mechanics of a particular accident caused your particular physical injury.
- Psychologists and mental health professionals who can explain to the jury the emotional suffering you and your family endure because of the injury.
Contact US.Attorney Nye is here for you in your time of need.
Call him today to schedule your free consultation. (989) 281-1437 |